Territory Dispute
Posted by By Fred at 2 June, at 16 : 53 PM Print

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Two Limpkins attempting to settle a territory dispute at The Celery Fields in Sarasota County, Florida. Limpkins have always struck me as a mild-mannered bird with a hauntingly lyrical call. Interesting to capture this shot during a rarely observed aggressive moment.
If you would like to visit The Celery Fields, it is located right off Exit 210 from I-75 at Sarasota, Florida. The Celery Fields is maintained by the Audubon Society in Sarasota and more information can be found here: http://www.sarasotaaudubon.org/capital-campaign/the-celery-fields/.
Great location for bird photography and right next door to the Big Cat Habitat!
As I was with you when we saw this behavior, I read that male limpkins can be very territorial and aggressive toward each other.
Jim, 11 years ago